Dawra Madwarna

Carpooling - Maltais a Facebook group that enables people to interact about offering or getting a ride. Given the current health restrictions, the group has been put on hold.




Greentrips wishes you to stay safe. Please follow health directives for Covid-19 prevention as issued by the health authorities.

Dawra Madwarna are on a mission to facilitate positive change in the way thaturban open spaces in Maltacan become enablers of social cohesion and wellbeing through how they are collaboratively planned, designed, developed and used.
This in favour of urban areas and communities which seek to respect and embrace nature thereby improving our quality of life in a sustainable manner.
They do this by:
● Being proactive in reimagining our urban open spaces
● Advocating a ‘placemaking’ approach to the planning, design and management of public spaces
● Creating awareness about the benefits of open spaces in urban areas and their potential to contribute to sustainable development
● Acting as a catalyst and creating space to positively explore and discuss visionary ideas
● Promoting collaborative and participatory approaches in driving the transformation of public space
● Putting social relations at the centre of public spaces with a focus on nature and people’s wellbeing
Our main activities will include:
● Showcasing visionary / forward thinking ideas on our facebook page to create a platform for positive, constructive and open dialogue
● Creating and sharing an archive of published research, best practice case studies (local and international) and guidance on the planning and design of urban open spaces
● Organising webinars, symposia and participatory workshops to create opportunities for discussion and co-creation
● Engaging with communities and undertaking participatory research activities
● Developing position papers / visionary ideas as outputs of the participatory activities and research undertaken
● Establish a ‘think tank’ of interdisciplinary professionals