

Something so simple yet so effective and an act many of us do several times over the course of the day.  We’re all walking somewhere at one point or another without giving it much thought. This makes walking the most accessible “active” mode of transport available. It’s literally at the tips of our toes!  


The health benefits of walking are numerous, from the famous “walk 30 minutes a day” to prevent a sedentary lifestyle and reduce risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease, to improving the air quality in your community by lessening air and noise pollution through reduced car use and traffic congestion.  There are no downsides when it comes to using your legs to get from A to B. 


Try walking for your short distance trips, like going to the local shops or combine it with other modes of transport, such as parking the car further away from your destination and walking the last mile to relieve traffic congestion. 


Remember - being a pedestrian is a powerful thing. Walking changes the face of communities, saves money and time, increases productivity and public safety. 


For further information on walking in Malta and walking routes, please follow the links to the initiatives listed below.


Pedestrian Initiatives:


An online platform for pedestrians to share their experiences and concerns about the walkable environment in Malta to pursue a more walkable and pedestrian friendly Malta.



WhatsApp with +356 7938 9305

Phone: +356 2340 3403

Email: [email protected]


Social Media: 






A page for anyone in Malta who walks anywhere and for those who care about safety, access, accessibility, health, walkways, pavements, shortcuts, dangers, litter. Pass Pass, naslu!




Greentrips wishes you to stay safe. Please follow health directives for Covid-19 prevention as issued by the health authorities. 

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